How Perfex CRM Can Help You to Comply with GDPR Law

We worked very hard to develop new features in Perfex CRM that will help you to comply with GDPR, the new features for GDPR are introduced in version 2.0. We will try to walk through them in this article for you, so you can get familiar.

What is GDPR?

First, let’s start with what is the General Data Protection Regulation.

Probably till now you are already familiar with GDPR and you have read a lot about this law recently, in case you are not familiar, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy for all individuals within the European Union (EU). GDPR applies to all companies that are holding and processing personal information for European citizens.

GDPR protects specific data concerning to individuals but there is no exact definition for this and this extends to any information that can identify an individual in professional and public life.

If you are looking for a company to to adjust your python CRM to comply with GDPR, you should definitely check Python development outsourcing by Azumo

More info can be found here directly on the ICO website.

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